Pumpkin Pie and Mashed Potatos! Mmmmm

June 18, 2008


So, finals are FINALLY over and I managed to get A's in all my classes. Yahoo! So I now have a week off until the next term starts. That isn't too bad because all my classes are online - I just hope the teachers are cool and don't give us a ton of work because it is summer.

Cadence is doing great. We now have two top teeth and it has been a horrid time getting there. She is just getting more fun each day. One of her favorite things to do is pull the DVDs off the shelf which is cool by me because that is easily cleaned and keeps her occupied for at least 20 minutes.

Here are some fun pics that I took of Cadence - yeah she was getting into trouble (what else is new?)

Yeah - she likes spaghetti!

This shows three of her teeth - I need to take a new one that shows all four!

This just shows me how much Cadence looks like her daddy. What to you think?
I would like to thank KD-Pie for the reminder that I have been slacking on this. THANKS CHICA!


Chris said...

Tera - Congrats on the semister being over - I know how you feel!! Also congrats on the A - nice job. I hope that you enjoy the week between classes and hopefully your online class go smoothly this summer.

Candence is cute as ever and I just love all of that hair!!! I love the one of her eating spaghetti!!!

Anonymous said...

Tera- Great job with your semester. I love the comparison pic of Cadence and her Dad!

Anonymous said...

You are welcome!

Congratulations ont he A's! You smarty you! Can't wait to see you later this weekend!

How Old is Cadence?