Pumpkin Pie and Mashed Potatos! Mmmmm

May 16, 2008

They Grow Too Fast

Man, I can still remember the day Cadence was born. Now at 7, almost 8, months she is all over the place. Today we had to lower the mattress in her crib because the other night when I was checking on her and she was supposed to be asleep I saw this:

So that was interesting. On a good development not, Cadence did sit up for the first time by herself. She was on her back playing and the next thing I know she is sitting up! What? So I lay her back down and watch her. Sure enough up she went. I was so proud of her. Oh goodness.

Today was also exciting as I met with a family memeber I haven't seen in years. Tracy and her beautiful daughter Rileigh. We went to good ol' McDonalds and let the kids have a grand time. It was interesting talking to my cousin as the lasting impression in my mind is someone so much older and mature than I because the last time I really associated with her I was in 1st grade. LOL Amazing how those impressions last!

Oregon has had some interestig weather and frankly it sucks. We went from 50's to 90's in a span of a day. Yeah. Very hot and it is going to be this way for a few days and then we go back to the 50's. Wow...just wow...At least I got to play with Cadence in a little kiddy pool!

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How Old is Cadence?